“Let the beauty of what you love be what you do.” —Rumi

Quote Author: , Nationality: , Sex: 

Profession(s)Poet | 

Born: September 30, 1207, Died: December 17, 1273

Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, and more popularly simply as Rumi, was a 13th-century Persian Sunni Muslim poet, jurist, Islamic scholar, theologian, and Sufi mystic. Rumi’s influence transcends national borders and ethnic divisions: Iranians, Tajiks, Turks, Greeks, Pashtuns, other Central Asian Muslims, and the Muslims of South Asia have greatly appreciated his spiritual legacy for the past seven centuries. His poems have been widely translated into many of the world’s languages and transposed into various formats. Rumi has been described as the “most popular poet” and the “best selling poet” in the United States. (Source + full bio: Wikipedia.org)